Symphony College 4.0

Tent Talk Podcast

with Nancy McCready

Symphony College 4.0

Tent Talk Podcast

with Nancy McCready

Subscribe to Tent Talk Podcast

Subscribe to Tent Talk Podcast

Are you ready to go deeper in your walk with the Father? To move beyond surface-level faith into real discipleship?

In this episode of Tent Talk Podcast, we join Nancy as Module Two of Symphony College is underway! As she shares about the four modules of Symphony College, we discover what it really looks like to enter in for ourselves and go deeper with the Father.

Let’s deepen our connection with the Father, so that we become sharpened instruments in His hands, able to lead others into greater dependency on Him, not on ourselves. It’s not about programs or performance – it’s about pursuing oneness with the Father, just as Jesus did. 

Are you ready to go deeper? Here we go!

Thanks for Listening! 

I hope that after listening to The Tent Talk Podcast, you’ll want to start discussions with your team or small group. These resources can help guide your discipleship journey to maturity and destiny with the Father:

Episode Notes & Conversation Guide DOWNLOAD HERE

The Producer’s Way School

Nancy’s book, From Trauma to Trust





Every journey begins with a conversation, join us on social media to get started!





Like what you hear? Subscribe to Tent Talk with Nancy McCready so you don’t miss an episode! 


Tent Talk with Nancy McCready is a listener-funded podcast dedicated to helping Christians along their journey of a deeper walk with Christ. With the support of donors like you, we are able to help our listeners gain a deeper spiritual understanding and connection with the Father. Thank you for your support of the Tent Talk Podcast! 

Brought to you by Nancy McCready Ministries 

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